Visiting Antelope Island:
Things to See and Do

Ace and Antelope Island, Utah, United States

Antelope Island—the largest of Great Salt Lake’s 10 islands—features roaming bison, a historic ranch, vast fields, tall hills, mountains, and a wide assortment of hiking trails.

Due to its relative isolation, this massive island’s landscape is excellently preserved and perfect for a nature adventure.

This photography guide will feature some history, picturesque photos, and some things to see and do.

Salt Lake City: The Salt Lake City Adventure Guide provides more helpful and interesting information about the wonderful yet underrated capital of Utah located nearby.

Antelope Island: Important Information
Dimensions Antelope Island is 42 mi2 (108.8 km2) .
Duration The recommended duration of visit is 2 – 6 hours. There are miles of hiking trails, so this could be a short or long visit based on your goals.
Best Time If you intend to go hiking, the best time to visit is early morning. It can get quite hot around noon onward. The visitor center opens at 9 am.
Cost The only cost is for parking ($15 per motor vehicle).
Parking There is plenty of parking throughout the vehicle-accessible parts ofthe island.
Special Considerations: There is almost no shade on the island. Make sure to bring a hat, sunglasses, and plenty of sunscreen. This is especially important if you intend to hike.

Antelope Island’s History

Explorers reached Antelope Island in 1845. Interestingly, the island’s namesake animal is not an antelope. There are no antelopes on the island. There never were. Antelopes are native to Africa and some parts of Asia.

The island’s namesake animal is the pronghorn. Pronghorns are not true antelopes, but they suffice as the “American antelope”. Their horns curve more inward compared to actual antelopes. Furthermore, unlike actual antelopes, pronghorns shed their horns every year.

A Pristine Landscape

Antelope island consists primarily of alluvial[1] plains, prairie grassland, and a mountainous central region.

Due to limited human exposure and earnest conservation efforts, the island appears the same now as it did when Mormons first settled in the region in the 1800s. This makes the island an incredible nature destination and one very close to a major city such as Salt Lake City.

[1] Alluvium is loose, unconsolidated soil or sediment that is typically made up of silt, clay, sand, and gravel.


The island is home to pronghorn, bighorn sheep, mule deer, bison, coyote, porcupine, bobcats, and waterfowl, among others.

Mule deer are actually one of the most common animals on the island and have thrived here for centuries. They’re so common that they get their own statues.

Bison were first brought to the island in 1893 via preservation efforts.

Buffalo vs Bison: American bison are unique to North America. A “buffalo” more accurately refers to the bison’s distant cousins, the Cape buffalo of Africa and the water buffalo of Asia. Therefore, the correct term is “bison”. The terms bison and buffalo are often used interchangeably, but bison is more correct in this case.

As a general rule, if the animal looks up and notices you, then you are too close to it and could be in danger.

Fielding Garr Ranch

Fielding Garr Ranch was first settled in 1848, representing years of valuable ranching history. The ranch boasts a colorful past alongside well-preserved structures, machinery, and tools, among others.

Tractor, Antelope Island, Utah, United States
Silo, Antelope Island, Utah, United States

There are also exhibits and artifacts at the orientation center.

Many of the exhibits throughout the ranch can be touched, but caution is advised because some exhibits are rusty and/or sharp.

Almost all exhibits are presented in their original or restored forms in order to preserve the accuracy of the time period.

Covered Wagon Interior 1, Antelope Island, Utah, United States
Covered Wagon Interior 2, Antelope Island, Utah, United States

As a bonus, if you were unable to see some bison throughout the island, there is a bison farm deep within the ranch.

Fielding Garr Ranch is also the farthest point of interest that is accessible to vehicles. All other points of interest require access via hiking trails.

Antelope Island contains diverse wildlife, a historic ranch, and miles of scenic hiking trails, making it a perfect place for a nature adventure in the Salt Lake City region. If you are ever in the region, make sure to drop by and admire the pristine landscape of Antelope Island.

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